ok guys...where have i been you ask?....the hospital.... well, in and out... for some reason mother nature decided to give me a liver disease of some sort....no its not mono...trust me ive been tested like 10 times * my veins are gonna collapse from all the needles poking into me...looks like im a habitual druggy * they thought it was hep A but arent srue .....my doctors office got the results back * the hospital isnt aloud to tell me* but i cant get an appointment for another week now. why you ask? CUS THEYRE CLOSED!!!!!!!!!! what fucking doctors office makes someone this sick wait to here "youre going to die" actually i doubt im gonna die...that would be to easy! ..im so itchy.... yeh i had ultra sounds, blood tests, urine tests, xrays, IV's, and yes...they even wanted to poke at my pooh with a stick...FUCK IM ITCHY! im itchy cus " my liver is over producing bile which is leaking into my blood stream which is spreading through my hole body! ....anyone into that euthenasia thing here?? theres gotta be someone... ill even pull a snuff thing.... anyone!? ....apply within...but yeh...while im sick with my LIVER my boyfriend is out drinking and partying and traveling four hours to the nearest city...why you ask? ..."just because".....
i picked a winner.... anyways
wish me luck with my test results in a week

wish me luck with my test results in a week

I read an old jounal entry of yours a long time ago, and have been trying to remember who you were ever since.
Anyway, sorry to hear about your malady, and good luck with the results. I have many friends with hep C, and it's something you can completely live a "normal" life with, if you take care of yourself.
Have you been on Methadone recently as well? Cuz I believe that shit is extremely toxic to your system.