Wow I got a whole two comments last time lol you guys sure love me! I got in an accident yesterday it wasnt serious but it scared me...couldnt open my door cus the lady ran right into it. some old lady at a stop sign and i was turning the corner to go down the street she was going down and she starting going and ran right into me...OLD PEOPLE SHOULDNT DRIVE!!! hmm.... I have found a good candidate for a boyfriend
he was my first boyfriend EVER... grade seven... and we began talking on msn again and flirting internetly-like. GREAT day today!!! +20 !!!!! eepa... celcius. ummmm my bamboo is dieing....thats not a good sign is it an omen????? lets hope not... anyways i think im gonna go get some icecream have good days peepls

barely, but i did
to prove i read it
now i dont feel guilty because i covered my azz
WOO! hey guess what! i got a piercing apprenticeship I nearly shit my pants i was so excited! i just thought id tell you because we are aaaalllwaaaayyys talking about piercings and how sweet weird piercings are and woo here i go learning how to do them
maybe if you're lucky i can poke you one day!
whoah that came out weird