guess whos gonna be an aunty!!!! meeee..... EEEEEE im so excited...i leave tomorrow, and my sister is pregnant
now she has to get a new wedding dress cus shes gonna be about 7 months at her wedding lol....that sucks but oh well... hmm im pissed though...ppl should mind their own godam buisness...i have this guy that i like and ive been pursuing him for a couple months but ive liked him for a few years...anyways everything was going good...then my friends started getting of my friends asked him if hed go out with me.....just cus "they wanted to know"...he told them NO...SO FUCK! FUCK THEM i wann rip their faces off with fucking rusty spoons FUCK FUCK FUCK :@ FUCK ill get him somehow...i leave tomorrow
YAY ME!!! hope everyone has a great week and....lah lah lah

Ok just a quick question. Did your rusty spoons comment, by ANY CHANCE AT ALL, come from Salad Fingers? If so, I would be so excited.
Have fun. Bring pics. Byebye.