ok im calm now, i know theres alot of great people out here....it just pisses me off when someones bitching at me for no reason but meh she can go suck a dick.... hmm ok so i am crazily tired.... i leave in 9 days...ish... and im sooo stoked to leave this rat ass town wooottt...may! just MAY get the bottom sides of my belly button done when im there too...so im stoked for that...hmmm...and...i think im going to this town like 2 hours west of here for a few hours this weekend comeing up...so i can get stuff for the room im remodeling... fuck im in a good mood...woot! and i might be getting a job at the radio station here...it rawks..lol im such a dork! but i love it...and so do you
or dont you??? lol so everyone...tell me something that will make me laugh

oh ya p.s. a radio job would be wicked sweet, what will u be doing? being the biznatch they get to run around and do little errands before moving up to anything worthy? it must be a very hardthing to get into 

good luck with everything!