ok two weeks and counting AND i get to go to a concert when i get there *FUCK YEH!!!* ...Blindside, Glory Nights, Ruckus, and Push for Protection... WOOT WOOT...hehe so yeh... i cant wait... i miss kim so much...thats what sucks about best friends...youre their friend for 16 years and then all of a sudden them move... i miss her so much... i treated her like she would always be here....now i miss her more than anything... so yeh i have to cut the visit short with her because my sister is coming here.... but oh well itll be wicked... i'm trying to exercise more... i got this rolly thing and it really works your upper abs...i did about two and a half of them and my abs were just aching... it'll pay off...
What do you do when your older sibling (sister in this case) looks up to you ...and wants to be exactly like you?... arent little sisters suppose to do that...at a younger age.. well my sisters been losing alot of weight lately and she said she wants to be MY size...and she wants to get her hair cut here... and wants it as long as MINE and the same bangs that I have... she said she wants to lose weight so she can wear MY clothes.... this is kind of weird because no one, ever, has looked up to me like this... its flattering but...i dunno hmm...
I'm not talking to my brother because his girlfriend is a bitch and hes an asshole and wont come home when he says he will all because of her. he moved in august and we had planned that he would come back for christmas ...even before he moved, then she couldnt get time off so he stayed there... then he was suppose to come back about 3 weeks ago...but NOOOOOOO he made up some excuses that he had exams and shit...but it was his "reading break"....which is like spring break only .......anyways lol... then he said he couldnt afford it, even though my mom insisted she'd pay. he would have done it if SHE wasnt there... he gave each of my parents a different excuse and then me and my sister... so i havent talked to him since...he knows im mad at him... he just doesnt care. im sure it doesnt seem like much but it irks me when he lies to me...then he thought i only wanted him to come so i could get a christmas present ...BAH... hmm what else?... im on a knitting frenzie hehe
im a nerd. ummm yeh thats all i can think about right now....theres a new pic of my weenerdog up...*yay me* lol hes so cute...his names weeny...and hes about 10 pounds overweight....but its just "muscle"...undeveloped "muscle"...or ..."muscle" in progress....

What do you do when your older sibling (sister in this case) looks up to you ...and wants to be exactly like you?... arent little sisters suppose to do that...at a younger age.. well my sisters been losing alot of weight lately and she said she wants to be MY size...and she wants to get her hair cut here... and wants it as long as MINE and the same bangs that I have... she said she wants to lose weight so she can wear MY clothes.... this is kind of weird because no one, ever, has looked up to me like this... its flattering but...i dunno hmm...
I'm not talking to my brother because his girlfriend is a bitch and hes an asshole and wont come home when he says he will all because of her. he moved in august and we had planned that he would come back for christmas ...even before he moved, then she couldnt get time off so he stayed there... then he was suppose to come back about 3 weeks ago...but NOOOOOOO he made up some excuses that he had exams and shit...but it was his "reading break"....which is like spring break only .......anyways lol... then he said he couldnt afford it, even though my mom insisted she'd pay. he would have done it if SHE wasnt there... he gave each of my parents a different excuse and then me and my sister... so i havent talked to him since...he knows im mad at him... he just doesnt care. im sure it doesnt seem like much but it irks me when he lies to me...then he thought i only wanted him to come so i could get a christmas present ...BAH... hmm what else?... im on a knitting frenzie hehe

Yeah about your sister if it was your roomate it would be some straight up 'Single White Female' shit. But since it's your sis you can probably tell her that it's kinda freakin you out.
Oh and girls will do that to you. You know make you do funny shit like ignore your family when your home only for a week of leave. Just remembering from past experience, it turned out to be a mistake though. He'll learn that blood runs thicker than water, trust me.
Whenever I work out after not going for a while, my abs/muscles KILL!! And then I have to go to work and work them even harder all day long, and it's brutal... but don't ignore them and not do anything because it's too sore, try to do a little excersise to warm your muscles up a little bit so they can loosen themselves up and get straightened out again, or else it will be this huge nasty knot. blech. in a way I kind of like the feeling though- firstly because it lets you know you actually DID something, and secondly, because im just freaky like that, and kind of enjoy the pain, and poking at my muscles, and going "ow."
Not sure what to think about the sister thing. I have a little sister, 9 years younger, and she looks up to me beyond believe for eeeevvveerrryyything and so do all her little friends, but I'm the oldest and I don't know how to deal with things like that. Same with your bother sitch- I have younger brother, as well, and if he ever ends up doing something as stupid im gunna kick the shit out of that mother fucking stupid azz bitch, or atleast do many many nasty things to her.
okay, well settle down now, I will get naked and take pictures of it as soon as possible. And I'll be out near Vancouver eventually. And you know we will hang out, and that I will come visit you.
Okay, ta ta for now.