well...I know I might sound boy crazy....
I met an actual MAN tonight. I assisted him in this theatre mentor thing a few years back when I was in high school. He does a show called "random acts of magic". I went to see him and a couple of other performers at Davenport's (this really cool caberet thing in Wicker Park). I was one of maybe 5 people in the audience, despite my attempts to call everyone I know over the age of 21 or with a fake.
I sit next to david (that's his name) in this room and we watch the show side by side until he goes on....
he walks up on stage...does his 10 min set and completely awes the audience.
After the show...he buys me a drink. I buy him a drink. We share wildly exciting conversation. I help him carry his things to his car. He gives me a ride home and we flirt until he reaches my apartment. We say our goodbyes and he kisses me on the cheek.
all night long he tells me how adorable and beautiful I am. How grown up I am (oh he has no idea).
I felt something with him....
is that wrong?
he's 33 and I'm 19.
FUCK! he's amazing...and not in a sleazy way.
oh how lovestruck and tipsy I am.
I met an actual MAN tonight. I assisted him in this theatre mentor thing a few years back when I was in high school. He does a show called "random acts of magic". I went to see him and a couple of other performers at Davenport's (this really cool caberet thing in Wicker Park). I was one of maybe 5 people in the audience, despite my attempts to call everyone I know over the age of 21 or with a fake.
I sit next to david (that's his name) in this room and we watch the show side by side until he goes on....
he walks up on stage...does his 10 min set and completely awes the audience.
After the show...he buys me a drink. I buy him a drink. We share wildly exciting conversation. I help him carry his things to his car. He gives me a ride home and we flirt until he reaches my apartment. We say our goodbyes and he kisses me on the cheek.
all night long he tells me how adorable and beautiful I am. How grown up I am (oh he has no idea).
I felt something with him....
is that wrong?
he's 33 and I'm 19.
FUCK! he's amazing...and not in a sleazy way.
oh how lovestruck and tipsy I am.

pussys lined with platinum? thats pretty hot.