So my second day as a Hopeful is going pretty well. I am still trying to learn the ropes of the site. I would like to thank everyone who has added comments and sent me messages and added me to their list. I greatly appreciate all the support that you all have given me. You've made me feel quite at home here in the land of SG. I would like to ask that you tell all of your friends to give me set a peek and leave some feedback. I am so fortunate to be a Hopeful, but would absolutely LOVE to be a full-blown Suicide Girl. So any help I can get to make the next set better is terrific. Also, please let me know what you liked so I can use it again in the future. Once again, thank you all so much for the support, and I'm glad you enjoyed my set.
Much Obliged,
Much Obliged,
welcome to SGland, you are a real beauty! hope your set gets selected and you become a real SG
You're very welcome!! (You certainly have my vote!!)