Thank you to all of you who have wished me happy birthday, I really appreciate it.
I know I haven't been around much, because honestly, I've been getting a little sick of it.
I love all of you lovely people, I really really do, but there doesn't really seem to be a true meaning to going 'pink' anymore. It all seems like chance and a good photographer as opposed to a true judge of creativity or anything of that sort. I wanted to be an SG because I thought that it was something that I wanted to represent, but if they don't want me I don't know why I'd want to represent them.
I may change my mind, but right now I'm in a place where it seems like it doesn't really matter.
I'll still be around for quite a while, but over the past year or so, I've kindof come to the conclusion that maybe SG isn't really what they say they are.
Take it how you will.
Anyways, I hope you all are well. Much love. ♥
I know I haven't been around much, because honestly, I've been getting a little sick of it.
I love all of you lovely people, I really really do, but there doesn't really seem to be a true meaning to going 'pink' anymore. It all seems like chance and a good photographer as opposed to a true judge of creativity or anything of that sort. I wanted to be an SG because I thought that it was something that I wanted to represent, but if they don't want me I don't know why I'd want to represent them.
I may change my mind, but right now I'm in a place where it seems like it doesn't really matter.
I'll still be around for quite a while, but over the past year or so, I've kindof come to the conclusion that maybe SG isn't really what they say they are.
Take it how you will.
Anyways, I hope you all are well. Much love. ♥
Love you like Garfield loves lasagna