Hello hello.
I miss you all!
I'm so sorry I haven't been around; been working a lot and any free time I've had has pretty much either gone into playing my new Sims 3 or trying to get some sunshine when the weather is beautiful.
I hope everyone is well, has anything exciting happened?
I've been doing fine except that I am worried about my rabbit, Gustav.
His weight has been fluctuating quite a bit, and at some points he's so skinny I can feel the vertebra in his spine. He doesn't look skinny, just feels that way, and I'm worried but confused because he is eating and acting fairly normal. I'm going to call the vet today to see if she thinks I should have him brought in.
In other news, I am considering changing my name on here to Dear_.
Originally, Dear was my first choice but was 'taken' by someone who doesn't even use the site anymore. If I every get to be an SG, I wanted to be called Dear, so I'm kindof hoping I can change it to that.
What do you guys think?
Anyways, I'm off to check on bunny and call the vet, so I hope all is well.
Much love. ♥
I miss you all!
I'm so sorry I haven't been around; been working a lot and any free time I've had has pretty much either gone into playing my new Sims 3 or trying to get some sunshine when the weather is beautiful.
I hope everyone is well, has anything exciting happened?
I've been doing fine except that I am worried about my rabbit, Gustav.
His weight has been fluctuating quite a bit, and at some points he's so skinny I can feel the vertebra in his spine. He doesn't look skinny, just feels that way, and I'm worried but confused because he is eating and acting fairly normal. I'm going to call the vet today to see if she thinks I should have him brought in.
In other news, I am considering changing my name on here to Dear_.
Originally, Dear was my first choice but was 'taken' by someone who doesn't even use the site anymore. If I every get to be an SG, I wanted to be called Dear, so I'm kindof hoping I can change it to that.
What do you guys think?
Anyways, I'm off to check on bunny and call the vet, so I hope all is well.
Much love. ♥
Oh yeah, I have a very large bottle of aloe goo. It has been very useful. lol
that hoodie cost me one penny.