From turtle


@dear @missy @sean @eirenne @rambo This was such a great concept! But why hasn't been going since December last year?? :(

From xenopus9


Well, I got some very disturbing news yesterday from that girl that I like. Her ex-boyfriend came by unannounced and he stole some money from her and forced her to have sex. He raped her! Men can be fucking pigs. I have been trying to get her to trust me because she has some trust issues with men. Now I don't know how far back she has gone. She doesn't want to talk about it, she just wants to try to forget about what happened. I am trying to abide by her wishes and I am telling her about my day and stuff to take her mind off of what happened. I have zero experience when it comes to dealing with someone who has been sexually assaulted. I would love to have some comments on this, what should I do? I am letting her know that I care about her, and I am here for her if she needs to talk. I know that I can't force her to talk to me, but I am afraid that she is in a very bad place, mentally.