"I am an aspiring model, and I often struggle with the rejection you’re bound to face in this career. How do you stay confident in such a vulnerable career?”
Responding SG: @midnight
Aspiring Model,
To me, confidence is a journey not a destination. Like many things it requires work. As a more experienced model, although less frequent, I still find times when my confidence seems to waver. Here are a few key points I think may highlight an answer to your question.
1) All skilled people were novice at some point! Albeit cliche, practice really does make perfect...start by hitting your angles regularly in your mirrors at home. See what works best for your body, and how to elongate certain looks to emphasize your best assets. Advance to self-shot sets and even dink around w trusted friends who shoot. Getting comfortable in front of the lens is 50% of modeling and really helps you exude confidence when stepping in front of an experienced photographer's lens!
2) Be good to your body!! It's no secret that mental+physical health are a symbiotic relationship. We cannot expect one to thrive if the other is in decline. Check in with your body...how regular is your sleep pattern? Drinking enough water? Daily stretches? Any activity? I'm more likely to feel confident when my body is in tiptop shape and all of these checks have been marked.
3) Know you're the shit!! This world, and especially our world of modeling, is full of critics. People will have something to say about ev-er-y-thing. At then end of the day let them speak. Keep razor focused on your prize....sotd? more subscriptions? networking? followers? engagement? You can do it! Authenticity rings true and nothing is sexier than confidence. Even if you're not where you want to be go through each day telling yourself mantras..."I am the shit"..."I am beautiful"...."I can do this". Those mantras will become reality. Be your own biggest fan! Listen to Lizzo, always helps me😉
4) Lastly, be gentle to yourself. Nothing happens overnight. Have fun on this journey to confidence. It's one of the best investments you can make for yourself.
@midnight Suicide
I hope so!!!
@midnight love youuu 😘