ok. so there is going to be lots of pictures, and they probably wont fit on sg, but too bad. im in montreal now. my first time outside of ontario! i want to document it only because i dont want to forget anything...sooo first faye and psyko514 were nice enough to let me invade their space for a week. they are such sweethearts and faye cracks me up. K BUD.hahaha i still laugh. even when im typing it myself.
anyhoo....SO. the first thing we did when i got here:

rode the subway which goes like warp speed in comparison to the toronto subway. and we went to the teddy bear factory and faye surprised me with it. we made best friends:

she made a giraffe with a raincoat named Miles and i made a frog wearing lingerie named "le belle de la chambre" = beauty of the bedroom. and you will notice that i have a wig on. me and faye were pornstars for the day. i think i actually like the long blond hair...maybe i will need to get a wig... hahaha the wigs look so good on her. oh and we went shopping and i got a new pirate shirt which you will see below...AND i also told some rude frenchman off in one of the stores....i heard about french people but everyone has seemed so friendly here so far, like talking to you at the bus stops and on the buses and ect. so he disapointed me...and i love how he expected me to be able to read a french sign....anyway... so then we made rice krispy squares...or treats as faye would say. and uhm:

i had one today, and they are a little on the crunchy side but still tasty, so i think we need to bake some more stuff. then we went to the bar and got our drink on and that was fun...and i had some fun with the pole:

PS> I forgot to say that fayes giraffe is a fucking HOMO because he has a rainbow umbrella on his raincoat as well as flower buttons...how gay is that?? very. AND i am sad to break it to you that my frog is mildly mentally retarded and has uneven eyes.
