wow. it actually looks like i have big boobs there...but i dont...no worries...haha....
just a couple things:
♥ im going to montreal for a week!
thats right you heard it...im going to montreal....ive heard a lot about this place and i finally get to experience it myself...and lucky me i get to spend a whole week with the fun and amazzzzzing Faye!
i know your jealous!
♥ Pirate cereal?? are you for real?
so aparently....there is a cereal that is from the movie....pirates of the caribean with johnny freeking depp...as you all know, he is dreamy...and i reallllly wish we had this cereal here...anyone seen it?

♥ the new johnny cash movie....
looks REALLLY freeking good. i saw the preview for it and it looked amazing...now i have this thing with johnny..i dont MIND his music, but i dont LIKE his music....and well growing up all i can remember is that my mother hated that man and his music...so i guess its kind of rubbed off on me.
♥ a friggin strike!?
so i guess there is a chance that the college/uni teachers of canada are going on strike...which really pisses me off for many reasons...i mean yeah its great i will get a longer march break....but that also means i will be in school longer then april and im just not prepared for that...so i hope it doesnt happen and if it does that it doesnt last long....argg.damn teachers! why do they have so many demands!
♥ im such a lucky girl...
im dating the most beautiful boy with the best butt in the world and that makes me really happy.
