Well looks like another Valentines Day....It looks like I wont be doing anything and although I wouldnt mind something special I really dislike this holiday, its made into such a huge deal everywhere and it's like couples are expected to do something. I get tired of hearing about it. I'd rather get a cute gift or show of love on a regular day of the year randomly and it would mean so much more. So the only thing I have to say about it is: If you are lucky enough to have somebody to love today, make sure they know it and you appreciate them every day of the year.
I will probably watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind...Joel :
"Today is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap."
I have to go to the store and buy like 10 chocolate bars, yes you heard me right....maybe even more...because I need to photograph them for the website I'm working on...I tried to find some good stock images but can never find exactly what I'm looking for....So I guess I'm going to look like a huge pig to the person in the store huh? But I suppose it's more of my own work put into the site and it can't get me anything but more credit in the end.
Also, one more thing? You know what realllly sucks?? When you have to go to the bathroom reallllly bad and then your roomie decides to take a shower, a REALLLY long shower...and you have to sit there and hold it until he gets out, its brutal! Anyways enough from me.
So do you have somebody to spend V-Day with? Either way tell me what you plan on doing.
PS. I think Randie is really cute.

I hope you enjoy your night!
Anyway... v-day is screwed up. It's like this big preparation where in hetero-land guys have all this pressure to impress their lovers/crushes. And it's not the only time... but it's one of the bigger times.
So much effort goes into pleasing your woman.
I wish there was one.. just one... day where woman were pressured into pleasing their man. (I think I heard someone refer to it as the "steak and blowjob day.") The concept is pretty simple... but it would be so satisfying if the women had to be pressured into being thoughtful and considerate. What if they had to go out of their way to satisfy us for a change?
Anyway... that's why v-day is screwed up in my head. I like what you like -- the affection all the time or randomly or whatever. All this pre-mediated stuff is so manufactured. Pressure is the last thing any of us needs.
So at least have a good day.