there is this really cool thing in this shitty ass town of not sure if its just around the college area or not but somebody spray painted this graffiti on random fences, corners, signs, ect. and it says "you are beautiful" and everytime i see one of them it makes me smile. and i just hope that everybody else that catches glance of it, does the same and truly believes it. i find it very uplifting when im feeling down and just walking around and happen to spot one.
also im going to my first PUB NIGHT at Sheridan with some of my classmates...should be a decent time. im going to drink red bull and vodka and see how that goes over....cause i really do need a drink right now.
PS. i still want to find someone good at vector characters
also im going to my first PUB NIGHT at Sheridan with some of my classmates...should be a decent time. im going to drink red bull and vodka and see how that goes over....cause i really do need a drink right now.
PS. i still want to find someone good at vector characters

By vector characters, you mean Flash/Illustrator right? If so I know a bunch of people that are really good at that sort of thing.
Ahhhh, RBV's....expensive but goooood