it is just amazing what problems money can bring and how dependant and stressed one can get over it.
so this is the situation im in, i was counting on getting OSAP which was going to be 11000 which would cover my tuition and 700$/m rent perfectly for the school year. turns out it got rejected somehow (long story) so now there is a 90% chance i wont get it, i will still try but again i cant count on it. so as i said i have 700 dollars a month to pay and 3000 dollars for tuition to pay by the end of the month.
ive have called upon the only people i have to depend on for help and thats my parents. my parents have never really been the giving type. i have always been forced to do and buy things myself. so anyways my mother has come up with my tuition fee so i can stay in school. i am really grateful for that.
my father however makes a lot of money and yet he refused to help me out. that is where my main stress is. im not even so mad about the money. im upset with him because i would do anything for him and yet he would never do the same for me. ever since his new marraige its like his real kids are non existant.
anyways so as you know 700 a month isnt cheap living so as i worked it out, most jobs im going to get as a student here are about 8$ an you do your math and figure out how many hours a week i would have to work in order to be able to afford that.
i can see its all going downhill from here....
anyone in toronto or area want to give me a job?
There are lots of places in TO hiring for Flash work right now. I know that a lot of them have flexible hours too. I got my first industry job when I was still in school and they allowed me to work any day I didn't have class, and nights. Maybe you could work out something like that as well if you let them know you're still in school and finishing up soon.