This is a cut and paste of my livejournal entry
Let me step back to my weekend. As mentioned elsewhere, this has proved to be the LARP event of the year for me, Possibly even one of my best events in a fair while. As seen in other posts I was worried and concious about the Costume I'd sorted (Once again major major thanks to apelord and Lil for all their help. The results turned out really well, Add to that itsallogre 's fantastic make up job and i looked fantastic....
( Picture can be found in my pics pages, feel free to comment )
Final prep for the kit should be done for renewal, Which will include Feet and legs in a similar effect to the arms (With Scales and spines) and hopefully a nice face mask with dreads/falls and tribal looking (And blue feathers of course).
So this left the rest of it in my court..... Making the character come alive. I think i did this succesfully, A little Rocky in places, But in general it seemed to go very well and get a good response. Learning how things worked in a world outside of my big nest in the swamp. Learning of other clans in the world.... Learning there was a whole many more creatures other than swamp creatures and lizardkin.... Reacting niaevly (sp?) because i didn't know any better... People picked up on things quickly too, which was very good. I kinda think of it like a bigger game of cherades (sp?), I know what i'm trying to portray, its up to the other players to guess what it was and understand it. Luckily they did, I felt successful when someone referred to me as 'A simple creature' as thats what i was. Then later when someone said 'He knows little, but he's observant and learns fast' which was also true.
Having and Keeping up a voice aswell as a personality and look worked aswell. It also helped people distinguish when i was OOC (Out Of Character) or IC (In Character), Although I was IC pretty much all the time (Which is how it should be). I worked on simple misunderstandings and flaws too. When someone explained the Matron Mothers orgasm sounds (She had a lusty demon visit her) was her 'laying eggs' I enquired after their safety all weekend (Much to Tams amusement), When Maxx told me to 'Go out and Greet people' (I think he meant go out and meet people) I spent the Whoooole weekend saying 'Hello' to everyone and Anyone (Just incase anyone was wondering why i was doing that, now you know
) I even ended up being 'Consumate' in eddie777 's eyes, which was funny.
I didn't overly get involved in plot having enough of my own to go by. Some fun incidents though included....
Walking from camp to camp with Quinn (The high inquisitor of the Jhereg) (Prettyboy to others) who had hired a kid with a trumpet to play the imperial march (Darth Vaders music in star wars) as he walked along. Making it a very pompous (and hilarious) parade.
Recieving a Salamanders hand from maddave , then getting told off by Max for nibbling on it as I wanderer around camp =D, He came up and said 'Oi, Don't do that... Its.... Wrong... just very wrong' =D. Said hand got many enquiries and was later purchased by madcatlady who seemed really excited by it. Sadly she wasn't interested in anything else i tried to sell her, Including Hans shield, Some bead necklaces and 'Rage' The Axe of the Jhereg. I will endevour to find more things for her to buy though, now i'm learning how humans make money.
Crawling through Rat tunnels, This was a completely new element to LARP fighting that i've never encountered, even after 13years of doing the hobby. It was nerve racking and good fun. I survived the whole event too, which really pleased me, I hope to make this character last a while. I've not enjoyed a character this much since Kheredh.
The Advena pulling together again and suceeding in everything they did. I was really worried about this, due to recent friction between me and utopia_necro the future of the group was looking shakey. But I think this event really buried all that and made everything better again, which is fantastic and was really needed.
Everything about the whole thing was fantastic, My first rituals all being a success (Although i didn't do anything major in them) thanks to cthonicmin for these oppurtunities and going easy on me
, The whole Jhereg for being understanding and open to the character. My eggs have become a 'must protect' item for several faction members now too =D
There were a few down points, Like a fair amount of people getting ill and catching a virus that seemed to work its way around the site (Real life, not a roleplay thing) I seem to have avoided it so far, seems it makes you very shakey and ill. People getting Real Life injuries from falling over on uneven ground, which i fear may lead to a change of site, which would be a real shame as this site is fantastic. Also Advena members not being there like after_autumn (Lorna/Teela) who's presence and leadership would have gone great, c_h_i_b_s (Chibs/Jaiya) who would be so welcome back to the group, Jav and Adrian, Fixxy and Kieron and Blonde James. Hopefully everyones coming back for renewal, which will be simply amazing. Even Nigels coming back for renewal, after the way he stepped up his game last renewal it'll be interesting to see how he does this year.
All in all for an event that 2 weeks ago looked liked it was going to be a tense, Awkward and Uncomfortable event, with grief and lack of group, it turned out to be all the opposites and fix everything.
Thankyou CP

Let me step back to my weekend. As mentioned elsewhere, this has proved to be the LARP event of the year for me, Possibly even one of my best events in a fair while. As seen in other posts I was worried and concious about the Costume I'd sorted (Once again major major thanks to apelord and Lil for all their help. The results turned out really well, Add to that itsallogre 's fantastic make up job and i looked fantastic....
( Picture can be found in my pics pages, feel free to comment )
Final prep for the kit should be done for renewal, Which will include Feet and legs in a similar effect to the arms (With Scales and spines) and hopefully a nice face mask with dreads/falls and tribal looking (And blue feathers of course).
So this left the rest of it in my court..... Making the character come alive. I think i did this succesfully, A little Rocky in places, But in general it seemed to go very well and get a good response. Learning how things worked in a world outside of my big nest in the swamp. Learning of other clans in the world.... Learning there was a whole many more creatures other than swamp creatures and lizardkin.... Reacting niaevly (sp?) because i didn't know any better... People picked up on things quickly too, which was very good. I kinda think of it like a bigger game of cherades (sp?), I know what i'm trying to portray, its up to the other players to guess what it was and understand it. Luckily they did, I felt successful when someone referred to me as 'A simple creature' as thats what i was. Then later when someone said 'He knows little, but he's observant and learns fast' which was also true.
Having and Keeping up a voice aswell as a personality and look worked aswell. It also helped people distinguish when i was OOC (Out Of Character) or IC (In Character), Although I was IC pretty much all the time (Which is how it should be). I worked on simple misunderstandings and flaws too. When someone explained the Matron Mothers orgasm sounds (She had a lusty demon visit her) was her 'laying eggs' I enquired after their safety all weekend (Much to Tams amusement), When Maxx told me to 'Go out and Greet people' (I think he meant go out and meet people) I spent the Whoooole weekend saying 'Hello' to everyone and Anyone (Just incase anyone was wondering why i was doing that, now you know

I didn't overly get involved in plot having enough of my own to go by. Some fun incidents though included....
Walking from camp to camp with Quinn (The high inquisitor of the Jhereg) (Prettyboy to others) who had hired a kid with a trumpet to play the imperial march (Darth Vaders music in star wars) as he walked along. Making it a very pompous (and hilarious) parade.
Recieving a Salamanders hand from maddave , then getting told off by Max for nibbling on it as I wanderer around camp =D, He came up and said 'Oi, Don't do that... Its.... Wrong... just very wrong' =D. Said hand got many enquiries and was later purchased by madcatlady who seemed really excited by it. Sadly she wasn't interested in anything else i tried to sell her, Including Hans shield, Some bead necklaces and 'Rage' The Axe of the Jhereg. I will endevour to find more things for her to buy though, now i'm learning how humans make money.
Crawling through Rat tunnels, This was a completely new element to LARP fighting that i've never encountered, even after 13years of doing the hobby. It was nerve racking and good fun. I survived the whole event too, which really pleased me, I hope to make this character last a while. I've not enjoyed a character this much since Kheredh.
The Advena pulling together again and suceeding in everything they did. I was really worried about this, due to recent friction between me and utopia_necro the future of the group was looking shakey. But I think this event really buried all that and made everything better again, which is fantastic and was really needed.
Everything about the whole thing was fantastic, My first rituals all being a success (Although i didn't do anything major in them) thanks to cthonicmin for these oppurtunities and going easy on me

There were a few down points, Like a fair amount of people getting ill and catching a virus that seemed to work its way around the site (Real life, not a roleplay thing) I seem to have avoided it so far, seems it makes you very shakey and ill. People getting Real Life injuries from falling over on uneven ground, which i fear may lead to a change of site, which would be a real shame as this site is fantastic. Also Advena members not being there like after_autumn (Lorna/Teela) who's presence and leadership would have gone great, c_h_i_b_s (Chibs/Jaiya) who would be so welcome back to the group, Jav and Adrian, Fixxy and Kieron and Blonde James. Hopefully everyones coming back for renewal, which will be simply amazing. Even Nigels coming back for renewal, after the way he stepped up his game last renewal it'll be interesting to see how he does this year.
All in all for an event that 2 weeks ago looked liked it was going to be a tense, Awkward and Uncomfortable event, with grief and lack of group, it turned out to be all the opposites and fix everything.
Thankyou CP