This is a cut and paste of my livejournal entry smile

Let me step back to my weekend. As mentioned elsewhere, this has proved to be the LARP event of the year for me, Possibly even one of my best events in a fair while. As seen in other posts I was worried and concious about the Costume I'd sorted (Once again major major thanks to...
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Not an amazing amount to report really. New years etc all went ok, 2005 should be a good year/will be a good year. Looking soooooo forward to the new larp season too.
I know..........lip chewing is terrible! I've destroyed the inside at the moment and it has created an uber sore raw patch that rubs against my teeth everytime i talk or move my mouth and it's killing! My lip is so sore it has given me toothache!

Hope 2005 has been as good as you expected!
Heys you... your not on much at the mo are you? x
Oh my god, people have returned!

Still waiting for my friend Carrie to appear on here.... kinda getting the impression it ain't gonna happen though, which is a damn shame as she's gorgeous.
hopefully next week or week after to see people.... was gonna do tonight but transport a no go.... crap xxx
I'm still here, Dunno why though, I hardly look at the site now, and my friends have all left. But then again i don't mind giving some money to some lovely girls smile

Bored. Message me or comment if you like, i don't bite.
Heya.... I am back! you all good? miao!!
Hey hey biggrin

Great to see you again.

All is good here, nothing amazing, but its good, which is better than it being bad.
Hmmm... Theres so much i need to update about and so little time and space to do it in....

Actually thats complete bollocks, There's sod all really to update about. Been playing EQ a fair bit recently. I prefer staying inside and playing computers or making armor as opposed to going out and spending money on crap.

I have been doing the following though....

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Hmmmm.... trying to think of something interesting to put in this update....

Went and saw Van hellsing with Ed and Rach, although i got there late (Me, late??? never!) and ended up sitting 2 seats away from them with a couple seperating us, It was kinda obvious we were a group and i was suprised the couple didn't swap seats with me, but oh well,...
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I really should update this more often, then maybe i'd get some friends on here biggrin

I just LOOOOOVE the new Nixon set, the Edward Scissorhands styled one. She is SO beautiful and she looks simply amazing in it.

My friend Rich recently told me i was a sickman as i said I thought Uma Thurman looked great in Pulp Fiction. In the normal parts she's...
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I love Uma in pulp fiction so maybe i am sick too? Could you tell Rich to text me as due to having the phone stolen I lost all my numbers!!! Say its me in derby!!! ..........xxx miao!!

Its a friday night and i'm alone getting myself pissed! Everyone says its bad to drink alone, guess i'll find out soon enough.............. surreal
Thanks matey... x miao!!
I'm writing this new entry just for Jess, Hope you enjoy it Jess smile
I already have an online journal buried deep within the internet. So i won't be putting stuff up on here smile
He he he he he.... it's ok. found them!!!! lol miao!! blush