I think my job is giving me the dreaded diabetes. Oh well........ if it does hopefully it wont interfere with me being rockin' -fuckin' awesome
I think my job is giving ne diabetes. I'm getting my chest piece in a week. That, to me, is about as exciting as things can be
Fuck most things. Switching to graveyard shift. Buenos noches life.

Correction, fuck A LOT of things.
How are you?
How are you?
So I've decided my new band sucks ass....... I think we need a euro-synth guy.......F. I can't seem to avoid furries......... oh well. More work on my ribs tuesday so I will enjoy the hell out of comfortable sleep for a few more days............puke?

I've been away for a bit.........now I'm back.......myah.
i havent gone anywhere.
it was a wild night...fo sho!

it was a wild night...fo sho!

So I accidently stumbled into a Furry convention. For those of us unawares, these are folks who dress up in mascott outfits and fuck each other. I was trashed and therefore disco danced with a blue beaver, 7 or so rabbits and what I believe to be a transgendered laughing heiena. Fuck if that wasn't a wee bit peculiar. Oh well, I still got Jeebus,...
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your rib piece looks awesome xo
that might be the funniest story i have EVER read. EVER!
Das Leitzche Einhorn mit der Grun Hosa. That is all.
if you listen to the soundtrack of "the last unicorn," what else might you listen to?
'labrynth' soundtrack?
'labrynth' soundtrack?

dude, the head throwing muppets? y'know, the ones that have removable limbs? how could you not rock out to that song???
so you play the banjo. my ex-boyfriend's dad used to play it in some sort of folk band. clearly, i don't know a thing about it, except that i love the music, and he was really good at it. do you play for your own pleasure, or do you play with others?
so you play the banjo. my ex-boyfriend's dad used to play it in some sort of folk band. clearly, i don't know a thing about it, except that i love the music, and he was really good at it. do you play for your own pleasure, or do you play with others?

I'm bored. Time for an Afrika Bambaataa dance party.
ah. let me enlighten you..."big trouble in little china."
god, how cheezy of me to love that movie. big fan of bad 80's movies
so unicorns, eh? didn't The Carpenters do that soundtrack on "the last unicorn"?
god, how cheezy of me to love that movie. big fan of bad 80's movies

so unicorns, eh? didn't The Carpenters do that soundtrack on "the last unicorn"?

holy shit. of course it was america. god, my mum always had that record on.
i was confused for a minute. thought i did some drunken blogging last night. or, you know. not sober dialing, anyway.
i was confused for a minute. thought i did some drunken blogging last night. or, you know. not sober dialing, anyway.
Yesterday was the 11th-15th (I think anyway) hour spent on my side piece. Comemorated by too much to drink and waking up the next morning adhered to a naugaheide couch. That gin is a fickle mistress I say.

Yes I came crawling back after a lengthy hiatus due to the fact that I'm tired of normal people.

Your weird banjo tattoo is awesome. I wanna see you chest piece!