so no one showed up for pumpkin picking which was sad casue i invited so many peopel and even had some peopel who replied and said theyd definelyt come so that was disspointment. i did get ncie pumpkin form the patch though was tempted to buy cider too but havent been feeling inthe mood lately.
but in better news imgoing to attempt to go toteh bruisers ball on halloween wish me luck :p
PS IM MOST LIKELY QUITTING SG AT THE END OF DECEMBER. why well to tell the truth allteh peopel i talk to on here i also talk to on myspace and also well the sets dont impress me anymore they arent inventive. I know i woudl never shoot for the site and im glad i never will. Plus some of the peopel on here can be assholes,,its bad as highschool and well im still the dork whiel msot other people are the jocks , preppys, and upperclass. this willbe the ending of an over 4 year mebership with the site if i do quit.
but in better news imgoing to attempt to go toteh bruisers ball on halloween wish me luck :p
PS IM MOST LIKELY QUITTING SG AT THE END OF DECEMBER. why well to tell the truth allteh peopel i talk to on here i also talk to on myspace and also well the sets dont impress me anymore they arent inventive. I know i woudl never shoot for the site and im glad i never will. Plus some of the peopel on here can be assholes,,its bad as highschool and well im still the dork whiel msot other people are the jocks , preppys, and upperclass. this willbe the ending of an over 4 year mebership with the site if i do quit.