I never thought I'd say this but yesterday i serously considred quitting photography. I asked a girl at the rollerderby if she wodl liek to model for me ,,i was nice aboutt it gave her my card ,,i wasnt nervous or anyhtng and she gave me a look that basically said to me "you creepy bastard why are you asking me " and she crumpled my card up. that look she gave me i dunno it was like shoving a dagger into what littel left i had hope for in my life in generalof making something of myself. Plus the30 some odd other cards ive given out toepeopel over the past 2 weeks and no replys at all even when i showed interest and emailed them. welwith all that piled up i dunoo just ,,,,,well im not felling good and wellthis all piled up on my b-day sorts and i onyl saw one freind that day for 3 seconds and she gave mea hug said happy b-day and walked awy ,,was expecting to talk toher more ,,,so i dunno ifeel repulsive the way everyone si acting to me. Hell i didnt even get card for my b-day or leadingup tomy b-day
i feel discouraged and i dunno what to do or who to talk to about this.

i feel discouraged and i dunno what to do or who to talk to about this.
Cheer up! you're really great so don't feel discouraged, please. You have a great heart, don't let people take you down. Your only problem is not realizing how amazing you are.