So today i went to drop off the viynl album of Iggy Pop " raw power" To my freind Donna as a gift casue i didnt get to se her over christmas welloon my way ther ei decided to take this one turn instead of going thrua llthese lights and welli was going along and allthe sudden the paddy wagon pulls up in back of me flashing lights and motiosn for me to pullover then in the next 3 seconds 9 MORE copcars show up so ive got everyone stareing at me whso ont eh street and ia hve no idea what i did wrong. SO teh officer finally gets out of his car and i ask him what did i do wrong casue i knwo i used aturn signal andeveryhting when mergin in that area where he turned his lights first on ,,,well it turnsout hat merge area that used to havea yield sign now has a stop sign ther eans they jsut changed it ,, so they checked my liscence tehn gave it back to me and i guess since they knwo i dont drive down there often enogh to knwo that they let me off scott free ............that was quite nerve wracking becasue if i wouldve gotten a traffic ticket my insurance wouldve skyrocketed again ,,but luckily i didnt get a ticket ,,but i willno longer be takign that street anymore .
Wow! that must be nerve wracking! driving is not for the weak of heart... I still prefer walking or taking the bus, I would be a disaster if I have a car.