shopping for moms is hard, especially boyfriends moms... i think i did okay though.
i need to get a bunch of stuff for my grandma to take her before i leave.
i was talking to her today. well not really. she sends me text messages. shes so cute i laugh everytime i get one from her. shes like 75 years old and made my grandpa get her a cell phone last year and she learned how to text message. she has about 50 grandkids scattered all throughout the states and parts of mexico so she thought that it would be an easy way to keep in touch with all of us.
anyway, she told me that my favorite aunt thats still in mexico is 6 months pregnant. that means that shes gonna have the baby while im staying there. yay so i need to go shopping for the baby too
everyone around me is getting married and having babies...i look around and kinda start to feel left out, then i stop and think about it and thank every god there is to thank that i am not there yet.
i wanna paint my room again, im getting tired of the orange...i have to move everything out of here when they put in the new floor anyway, i might as well take everything out a day earlier and repaint...i dont know, probably not. im lazy
i heart found magazine
it keeps me entertained in the wee hours of the morning.
i cant wait for this to come out
they were amazing when we saw them live
i wanna buy a music venue in hollywood or downtown, ever since i was in highschool ive wanted to own one. ive been looking for somewhere to live in downtown. they are building sooooo much right now, homes and whatnot. im excited. i even saw this thing on tv about how the town is booming again. that makes me happy. im hating orange county right now. and theres nothing i wouldnt do to live in LA.
for ilovemybitchz
ps. i have never had sushi...yea... i dont know...i felt compelled to share...
i really don't have any other answer, i couldn't tell you what i've been doing with my time lately. i've been asking myself the same question.
maybe we will talk soon? hopefully