1) What Movie is More Romantic: A Walk to Remember or The Notebook?
the notebook i guess
2)If you could fix one things on your body that you dont like what would it be?
i wish my hair would decide if it wants to be straight or curly, this in between nonsense drives me insane
3)Have you ever bit someone?
haha, all the time
4) How Old where you when you had your first:
~cigerette? 16 i think
~Alcoholic Drink? around a year old, my dad rubbed liquor onmy gums to get me to shut up when i was teething
~dyed hair? 15
~Tatoo? not yet
~Piercing? my ears were pierced when i was a few months old
5)What was your most romanic date?probably when danny took me to go see the dresden dolls
6) Is your Bedroom clean right now? it looks like it was hit by a tornado
7) Name 3 states you havent been to that you want to go too.
1 new york
2 massachusetts
3 chicago??? i guess
8) What CD do you listen to the most? a mix cd with all kinds of different shit thats in my car
9) What are you having for dinner?
No idea
10) Do you know what the first video played on MTV was? video killed the radio star, i dont remember the name of the band though
11) Whats your favorite cereal? lucky charms
12)Whos one person that you talk to everyday? danny
13) Whens the last time you went to a hardwear store? a week or two ago
14) Are you more of a city person or a country? i love both
15) Do you buy anything by Martha Stewert? Nope
16) Do your sheets and pillow cases all match? nope
17)Do you own any carheartts? What the hell are those?!?!
18) Whens the last time you wher ein a hot tub? last summer
19)Whats your favorite cheese? any kind that doesnt smell like feet
20) What type of milk do you drink? 2%
21) Do you Save your change? save what change?
22) Do you fold your clothes before you put them away? if i dont fold tem as soon as thy comeout of the dryer they are gonna lay around my bed or the floor for a few weeks, so i try to
24)Whats the weirdest place youve ever had sex? ...no comment
25) What type of hair do you like on the opposite sex? it doesnt really matter
26) Are you close to anyone in the Military? my cousins husband was in the military, but we arent all that close
27)Whats your favorite popsicle flavor? Cherry
28) Do you own a full lenght mirror? yea
29) Can you juggle? Nope
30) Do you have any odd talents? i dont think any of my talents are odd
31)Whats the worst job you ever had? cashier toys r us
32) What does your calender look like? its marilyn monroe
33)Do orginize your clothes by color? no
34)On average what time do you get up? if i can get away wth it around 10 am
35) are you a wal-mart or k-mart shopper?
its all about target
36) As a kid did you have an imaginary friend? no
37) do you have and phobias? i hate standing under ceiling fans, you know its gonna fall wen you least expect it and electrocute you whileit chops your head off
38)Do you know how to change your own oil? no
39)Ever broken down in a bad area? wat would you concider a bad area?
40) What are you gonna do when you finish this? hit submit