Ive dicided I hate people all of them, all night and morning I have to deal with them. All i hear is I want this and I want that and is it low in carbs... hey your body needs carbs idiot if it doesnt then you body will slowly rot and youll die, so eat the damn carbs, be your self you tubby mother fucker plus The atkins diet is worse then not eating anything at all. If you want to lose weight with out work... eat a tape worm because thats healthier then the atkins bull shit.
I get home this morning and my phone rings. my friends boyfriend dumped her, so I have to listen to her bitch and cry... "I love him." no.. no you don't, you have no idea what the word even means, so get over it, the world will not end because of this and why did you decide to call and bitch at me, ill just tell you to shut up.
Im sorry for the rant im just having a bad day... and people suck
I've probably been to south lake a few times, but we don't make it a habit or anything. reno is usually where we go to hang out.