Today I am ashamed to call myself a French Canadian Montrealer.
Montreal kicked Boston's ass yesterday in the dumb sport of Hockey.
Fans were happy, so happy that they decided to torch police cars, break windows and loot a few stores
La victoire du Canadien a chauff les esprits de certains partisans. La fte a dgnr plusieurs endroits au centre-ville.
L'escouade anti-meute a t dploye alors que des milliers de personnes ont envahi les rues.
Des policiers ont reu des projectiles de toutes sortes et des autopatrouilles de la SPVM ont t saccages et incendies.
La circulation automobile a t compltement paralyse sur la rue Ste-Catherine et plusieurs autres artres du centre-ville.
The victory of the Canadian overheated the spirits of certain partisans. The festivities degenerated in several places in the downtown area.
Montreal Police anti-riot squad was deployed when thousands of people invaded the streets.
Police officers received projectiles of all kinds and at least five police cars of the SPVM were ransacked and set fire to. The motor vehicle traffic was completely paralysed on the street Ste-Catherine and several other arteries of the downtown area.
Fucking bravo shitheads! I'm glad I'm in France and that I don't have to deal with my stupid inbred inferiority-complexed unopenly racist co-citizens.
Christ, I just can't beleive that Warren Ellis was right!