I just came back from Rouen and it was horrible
My boss sent me there with another PhD student to go dissect and harvest necrotic heart diseased rats for a new genomics projetct.
Stuck in a small room at constant 25C, obligated to wear a lab coat, with 2 other people who listen to pop rock and dance and bithc if you put a metal CD and cutting up stinky dirty rats for 6hours and then having to drive for 4 hours through one of the most boring countryside in europe (Normandie region) without a prior change of clothes or shower... It wasn't fun.
I think I had THE best shower I ever had in my life (when alone of course)

My boss sent me there with another PhD student to go dissect and harvest necrotic heart diseased rats for a new genomics projetct.
Stuck in a small room at constant 25C, obligated to wear a lab coat, with 2 other people who listen to pop rock and dance and bithc if you put a metal CD and cutting up stinky dirty rats for 6hours and then having to drive for 4 hours through one of the most boring countryside in europe (Normandie region) without a prior change of clothes or shower... It wasn't fun.
I think I had THE best shower I ever had in my life (when alone of course)