What NOT to do if yu want a quiet saturday night in Nantes
1-Call one of your buddies for beer and DVD
2-Drink said beer
3-Answer "yes" to the question "do you still have some of that SouthernComfort thingy" (the french do not seem to know SoCo at all)
4-Live 5 minutes on foot to where the bars are
5-Go to a bar where you know the owner
6-Accept 62% alchool rum drinks
7-Use beer as a chaser to previous drink
8-Stay till closing time
9-Answer "no" to the question "Did we finish the beer at yur place?"
10-Drink said beer while talking about girlfriends and ex girlfriends
BONUS "What not to do on a saturday night in Nantes"
1-Let your drunk friend go home in the rain with one of your books
2-Write drunken emails and press "send all"
3-Not drink water before bed"
4-Wander around aimlessly in the cold rain before remembering that its not north america and its impossibe to find a fast food joint after 2am
5-Try to cook because you couldn't find a kebab place after 2amnull
1-Call one of your buddies for beer and DVD
2-Drink said beer
3-Answer "yes" to the question "do you still have some of that SouthernComfort thingy" (the french do not seem to know SoCo at all)
4-Live 5 minutes on foot to where the bars are
5-Go to a bar where you know the owner
6-Accept 62% alchool rum drinks
7-Use beer as a chaser to previous drink
8-Stay till closing time
9-Answer "no" to the question "Did we finish the beer at yur place?"
10-Drink said beer while talking about girlfriends and ex girlfriends
BONUS "What not to do on a saturday night in Nantes"
1-Let your drunk friend go home in the rain with one of your books
2-Write drunken emails and press "send all"
3-Not drink water before bed"
4-Wander around aimlessly in the cold rain before remembering that its not north america and its impossibe to find a fast food joint after 2am
5-Try to cook because you couldn't find a kebab place after 2amnull