Dont have much to say right now other than it is raining its ass off here.. We had some good thunder booms but they unfortunately has stopped... So for now I will just post some pictures of Jack Kitty!!!!
Jack likes to wake me early in the morning and then promptly goes back to sleep... i guess she is training to be my alarm clock for when I finally get a job.
Jack likes to try and eat my hands and forearm for dinner. She just doesnt understand that once I get her fattened up some shes gonna be my dinner...
All in all she loves me...

Jack likes to wake me early in the morning and then promptly goes back to sleep... i guess she is training to be my alarm clock for when I finally get a job.

Jack likes to try and eat my hands and forearm for dinner. She just doesnt understand that once I get her fattened up some shes gonna be my dinner...

All in all she loves me...

have you thought about where you wanna go for lunch tomorrow?