Well I must say that this has been a fabulous weekend... No I didnt get laid *snaps fingers while saying shucks* but I went to the gym and kicked my ass so much that it hurts to breath, started buying decorations for my apartment so I dont look poor anymore and had an awesome time in Columbia with a friend. Sucks that it is now Sunday and that means tomorrow its back to the office and the boss that wants to fire me. Guess I need to get working on getting my resume out somewhere and look for a new job... Hopefully one that will take me away from this Hell Hole town!!! And by the way hatchetprincess I have decided that when I blow this town im kidnapping you and taking you with me!!! No ifs and or buts about it!!!!
PS: Jack has found the joy of the computer screen. He is fasinated with the cursor streaking accross the screen and tries to catch and bite it.
PS: Jack has found the joy of the computer screen. He is fasinated with the cursor streaking accross the screen and tries to catch and bite it.

see ya tomorrow at yoga.