Today was a bad day and work realized it the second I walked through the door. After my manager took one look at me she said "Wow you look like shit today". I told her I felt like shit. Then she said "Then get the hell out of here". God I hate missing work over this shit. Not that I like my job but I dont make that much as is and need the money. Especially with the added bills of treatment. But I guess I should be thankful that my job understands what I am going through and are being good about the fact that somedays im just not gonna have it in me to be there.
More Blogs
Saturday Jun 17, 2006
dont think I can remember feeling happiness like I have today... And… -
Saturday Jun 17, 2006
I dont think I can remember feeling happiness like I have today... An… -
Tuesday Jun 13, 2006
Well my happiness was short lived. The chemicals they are pumping in… -
Sunday Jun 11, 2006
Even with the waves of cheical madness that the chemo has tormented m… -
Friday Jun 09, 2006
Yeah I got nothing -
Wednesday Jun 07, 2006
I see Orin in the sky at night, and wish I could posesss his strengt… -
Tuesday Jun 06, 2006
So today I went to the doctor. They shot me full of dye and ran some… -
Saturday Jun 03, 2006
Well it seems that my health care has kicked in yesterday and now it … -
Tuesday May 30, 2006
FINAL POST I didnt think it was possible for my heart to break worse… -
Monday May 29, 2006
I call this one: THANKS FOR THE BAGGAGE You've poisened my head b…