So today I went to the doctor. They shot me full of dye and ran some tests. And ofcourse the doctor couldnt give me a straight answer at first just as I suspected. He wanted me to talk with a counselor first and read some pamphlets etc... He berated me for letting this go for so long. Eventually he could see that I was getting alittle angry and because he feared me ripping off the clothes of my normal everyday mild mannered alter ego and exposing the Super Hero Steve that has escaped death on more occasions then I have time to recant, he had me strapped to a table and brought out the kryptonite. Or better referred to as chemo and radiation therapy. Which as the evil doctor had planned, has rendered me powerless and defeated.
Yes today I found out that the cancer that was discovered in my bladder a year and a half ago has succeeded in its quest of freedom and has escaped its prison and is making its way through my colon and is feared to be planning a trip to my liver for as a summer home.
It will be a long road to full recovery but the doctor says my chances are good that with the treatments, the new cancer cells can be killed before they root to deep. The bladder cancer although out of control is said to still be operable. It will just be a more involved process.
I guess that is all the strength I have for now to write.
-The Dead of Winter
Yes today I found out that the cancer that was discovered in my bladder a year and a half ago has succeeded in its quest of freedom and has escaped its prison and is making its way through my colon and is feared to be planning a trip to my liver for as a summer home.
It will be a long road to full recovery but the doctor says my chances are good that with the treatments, the new cancer cells can be killed before they root to deep. The bladder cancer although out of control is said to still be operable. It will just be a more involved process.
I guess that is all the strength I have for now to write.
-The Dead of Winter

Well, I'll be here.