Ugh can a year go by without me getting stiches for one reason or another? Yesterday I cut my thumb at work and had to go get stiches because it severed a vein and would not stop bleeding.... Bla!!!!!
we cant leave you alone for a second....
So I saw Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans Chest again yesterday. Its only the third time I have seen it so far. Once it hits the dollar theater I will see it several more times as I did the first movie. I am a freak about it! I can identify with Jack Sparrow on so many levels.
After the first movie came out I...
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So I take it you dug the movie?
hey does mel not remember that she has one here? if you can wait till i get there ill bring hers...just let me know....and watch out for mister pillowpants BWAHAHAHAHAHAH...i was surprised as well on how good it turned out, and who knew randall could act smile
Blogity Blog Blog Blog...
LOL great pic, looks like my kind of heaven....a beach, a beer and my smokes
take your butt to go see Clerks 2....was extremly surprising....well done AND had a plot!
Today was a bad day and work realized it the second I walked through the door. After my manager took one look at me she said "Wow you look like shit today". I told her I felt like shit. Then she said "Then get the hell out of here". God I hate missing work over this shit. Not that I like my job but I...
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Well the doc said there would be good days and there woud be bed days. Today was a bad day... But I survived it.
i'm glad you survived it. hope there are more good days and less bad ones...
Even with everything I am facing and the ill effects it sometimes has, I am happier than ever and my spirits are high.
Excellent to hear. biggrin

Nice lookin' profile pic!
I am tired of these treatments. It seems like during the week I am filled with constant dread of what the next day will bring and how I am feeling. When the weekend comes and I get a couple of days off from them, the chemicals work themselves out of my body and I seem to go back to my normal self. Its so up...
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In my journal, Kay mentioned you are starting chemo. I've been going through it for a short time now. I don't really have much to say, but I know exactly what you mean in your journal. I hope things go well for you.
Random thought: It seems like something that someone should have told you about already, but biotene mouthwash and toothpaste help a lot, if you start getting mouth sores and dry mouth. I'd be a lot more miserable if I didn't use it often.
dont think I can remember feeling happiness like I have today... And it all came from some very kind words in a text message......

Artist: Iron & Wine Lyrics
Song: Such Great Heights Lyrics

I am thinking it's a sign
That the freckles in our eyes
Are mirror images and
When we kiss they're perfectly aligned

And I have to speculate
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I dont think I can remember feeling happiness like I have today... And it all came from some very kind words in a text message......
Well my happiness was short lived. The chemicals they are pumping into my body are again beating me down and drudging up the usual questions that no one can answer. On top of that today had the lovely addition of radiation to make my body burn from the inside out and numb my brain to the point that I could not find my way home...
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Be strong, bud.
I'm rooting for ya.
Hang in there. Worst part is that the onclogists are usually so desensitised that they never know how to deal with it/warn you about the whole thing. All I can say is be strong and hope to god you don't have to go through anther cycle.
Even with the waves of cheical madness that the chemo has tormented me with, and knowing that there is still several weeks of it to come, it is nice to be able to get lost in the fantasies and dreams of better days from the past and hope for the future. And all though I know that tomorrow I start 5 days straight of the...
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Hang in there love.

Yeah I got nothing
At least you can admit to it.

Drop me a line to let me know how you are feeling. Chemo sucks ass.
