The more I think about it, the more I want to build my own house. In due time, of course, because there are a bunch of criteria that need to be met before I can even think about starting. By building my own house, I don't mean just designing it by the way, I mean physically building a house. Obviously I'd need some help from craftsmen like plumbers and electricians (mostly for the wiring plans and such, as I already have experience in running wires and plumbing, as you've seen), but I want to do as much I can myself. Which brings us to the first requirement: if I'm going to take on a project like this, I need to have enough saved up to be able to afford taking time off for several months. Of course I'd need to have money for building materials, too, but that part I can cover with a mortgage if needed. Living expenses I can't finance that way, at least not in this country. The second requirement would be that I need to have a job that allows me to take several months off to execute this dream. My current job won't allow for this, provided I will even have this job in a few months still. Then, of course, I still need to find a place to build, acquire building permit, find an architect. But that's for a later stage. I do think about it a lot though. And it's definitly something I'll do at some point in my life, though probably not in the near future. Unless I win the lottery, of course :p.
I finally have my door frames, so I can move forward again with the house. Though work has been really stressful, with a lot of overtime, so I didn't get much house stuff done this weekend. I just didn't have the energy. It also didn't help that I came done with a bad cold the other day, which kept me pretty drained all week. But I really do need to finish this project soon. I'm really fed up with the mess I can't yet get rid of, because the house is not ready yet. Things like still having my refridgerator outside (in the half-finished extension) because I need to knock out the back wall before I have room in the kitchen for it; I don't mind some - temporary - discomfort in exchange for a great house, but after having to go outside whenever I'd like, for example, a drink gets old after almost 3 months. Or the brand spanking new washer and dryer (I feel so responsible now that I'll be doing my own laundry) that are occupying my dining room because the laundry room isn't weathertight yet. But it'll be worth it in the end.
I had an evaluation at work the other day, by the way, and they were pretty pleased with my work lately.
Question of the day: what would you do if you won $1 million?
Personally, I would:
I finally have my door frames, so I can move forward again with the house. Though work has been really stressful, with a lot of overtime, so I didn't get much house stuff done this weekend. I just didn't have the energy. It also didn't help that I came done with a bad cold the other day, which kept me pretty drained all week. But I really do need to finish this project soon. I'm really fed up with the mess I can't yet get rid of, because the house is not ready yet. Things like still having my refridgerator outside (in the half-finished extension) because I need to knock out the back wall before I have room in the kitchen for it; I don't mind some - temporary - discomfort in exchange for a great house, but after having to go outside whenever I'd like, for example, a drink gets old after almost 3 months. Or the brand spanking new washer and dryer (I feel so responsible now that I'll be doing my own laundry) that are occupying my dining room because the laundry room isn't weathertight yet. But it'll be worth it in the end.
I had an evaluation at work the other day, by the way, and they were pretty pleased with my work lately.
Question of the day: what would you do if you won $1 million?
Personally, I would:
This 2 songs have been stuck in my head all week: