If hope you're not bored with my sorbets yet, I made some more. Apple, pear and pineapple to be exact. I've spoilered them for those who've seen enough sorbets already after the strawberry and lemon ones. I also picked up some beautiful raspberries at the market, and instead of making yet another sorbet, I made some raspberry sauce to go with the ices (recipe also in this blog). The last thing I have to make for dessert on Easter is confit (candied) slices of orange or another citrus fruit, but that I'll save for Sunday, since that shouldn't take much time. The colours of the ices came out really beautiful, so that should make for quite an attractive plate.
The rest of the menu still isn't set in stone. I'm kind of thinking about making pork stuffed with apricot or peach (after dismissing poussins and shoulder of lamb). Soup will most likely be chicken or vegetable. The thing I'm really not sure about yet, is what I want to do vegetable-wise. Asparagus are Spring-y, but they're already a staple of my Christmas dinners and I really want to do something entirely different from Christmas. So suggestions are still very welcome.
Speaking about Christmas, some of you might recall that I looked all over for Christmas-y cookie cutters but I couldn't find them. But now I found did! I also found some Easter-y cookie cutters.

Aren't they cute? I actually found them at a place I had already looked when I first searched (and got the windmill cookie cutter), when I was was looking for something entirely different (stainless steel chopsticks). I didn't find those, but I was happy to finally find the Christmas stuff.
Anyway, picture and recipe time.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Since the procedure is the same as the previous sorbets, I'll suffice with the ingredients and pictures, instead of a complete step-by-step description.
Pineapple sorbet:
- 300 grams of pineapple, cleaned and chopped
- 250 ml of water
-125 grams of sugar

Pear sorbet:
- 500 grams of pear, peeled and cored
- 150 gram of sugar
- 150 ml of water
- juice of half a lemon
Apple sorbet:
- 500 grams of apple, peeled and cored (I used Granny Smiths, for a little tang)
- 150 grams of sugar
- 150 ml of water
- juice of half a lemon

Raspberry sauce:
- 250 grams of raspberries
- 150 grams of sugar
- a few tbs of water
(I made this at night, so the lighting (and therefore the sharpness) are a little crappy, I apologise in advance.)

Place all the ingredients in a pan, and heat over a low flame. Let it heat through slowly untill soft.

When the raspberries get soft(er),mush them up and mix them with sugar.

Pass through a sieve to get all the pits out.

And voila, a beautiful red sauce. It should keep for a few weeks in the refridgerator. Just make sure it's in an air-tight container.
Oh, I almost forgot. My mom and I went shopping for my birthday present earlier this week. I wanted some more of the white (square) tableware I already have, so she (well, her and my dad of course, he just didn't go with us) got me 6 fondue plates, 2 serving trays, a teapot and one of those stands that you can put plates on to serve stuff (I don't know what they're called in English). Oh, and 2 little butter dishes. I also bought some things myself lately, so some new pictures are due.
This week is only 4 days long, then it's a 4 day weekend! I'm off this Friday (Good Friday), and in the Netherlands we celebrate 2 days of Easter. I could use the break. The past 2-3 weekends I've been helping my brother move into his new place, so some time off is very welcome.
The 30th is a holiday, too (Queen's day), as is May 5th (Liberation day) and a few other days in April/May. Gotta love Spring!
Maybe TMI:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)I cut myself shaving. And it wasn't my face that was being shaved at the time...

Fortunately the cut wasn't too bad, but it's been itching like crazy all day, and I can't very well scratch that place in public

how are you? aside from the cut
How about a little lettuce and pea soup......
2 teaspoon(s) margarine or butter
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 can(s) (14 1/2 ounces) chicken broth
1 package(s) (10 ounces) frozen peas
1 head(s) (about 10 ounces) Boston lettuce, coarsely chopped
3/4 teaspoon(s) salt
1/8 teaspoon(s) ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon(s) dried thyme leaves
1/2 cup(s) half and half
1 tablespoon(s) fresh lemon juice
Chives, for garnish
1. In 4-quart saucepan, melt margarine or butter over medium heat. Add onion, and cook, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes or until tender. Stir in chicken broth, frozen peas, lettuce, salt, pepper, thyme, and 1 cup water; heat to boiling over high heat. Reduce heat to low; simmer 5 minutes. Stir in milk.
2. In blender at low speed, with center part of cover removed to allow steam to escape, blend pea mixture in small batches until smooth. Pour soup into large bowl after each batch. Return soup to same saucepan. Heat through. Stir in lemon juice, and remove from heat. Transfer soup to serving bowl; garnish with chives.