I received some new toys in the mail this week, a telephoto lens and a fisheye. I can't wait to try them out properly. Especially the fisheye looks like a lot of fun to play around with. Even though this tele is more powerful than the one manufactured for my camera by Kodak/Schneider-Kreuznach, I'm still considering to buy that one, since the lens quality should be even better. With the addition of these 2 lenses to the bulky wide-angle I already had, though, I need to look for a new camera bag to fit everything. Any suggestions? The ones I saw that were big enough, were all very box-shaped. I want something a little sexier. Preferably with orange, to match my luggage. (Yeah, don't ask, it's an OCD thing.)
I think I found the tiles I want for the bathroom. I set out to find red tiles, but I found some dark orange/reddish mosaic tiles instead. I'll post a picture later, it's too dark right now to get a clean picture. Gless reflects too strongly for flash photography. Oh, and I found floor tiles that look just like the floor I'm putting in the rest of the house. They're about the same size as a a floor board, with a woodgrain on it, and it's just about the same shade as the laminate flooring I picked out. Should look pretty cool together. I also picked up some paint the other day, so I can paint the outside of my house when it stops freezing overnight. I decided on a dark red for the roof molding and doors and windows, and a very light grey (almost white) for the frames. I already picked out colours for the inside, too, though I still have to actually buy the paint for that. The kitchen will be a bright red, with black cabinets and silver molding. The living and dining room will probably have a red wall and one or more white or silver walls, which will repeat itself in the bedrooms and office.
I still need to find a new tub. One that actually fits a 6' fat guy (and will hopefully still be affordable).
Other than that, I don't think I really have anything worth mentioning. Life is still rather boring. I promise, one of these days I'll catch up with each and every one of you
I think I found the tiles I want for the bathroom. I set out to find red tiles, but I found some dark orange/reddish mosaic tiles instead. I'll post a picture later, it's too dark right now to get a clean picture. Gless reflects too strongly for flash photography. Oh, and I found floor tiles that look just like the floor I'm putting in the rest of the house. They're about the same size as a a floor board, with a woodgrain on it, and it's just about the same shade as the laminate flooring I picked out. Should look pretty cool together. I also picked up some paint the other day, so I can paint the outside of my house when it stops freezing overnight. I decided on a dark red for the roof molding and doors and windows, and a very light grey (almost white) for the frames. I already picked out colours for the inside, too, though I still have to actually buy the paint for that. The kitchen will be a bright red, with black cabinets and silver molding. The living and dining room will probably have a red wall and one or more white or silver walls, which will repeat itself in the bedrooms and office.
I still need to find a new tub. One that actually fits a 6' fat guy (and will hopefully still be affordable).
Other than that, I don't think I really have anything worth mentioning. Life is still rather boring. I promise, one of these days I'll catch up with each and every one of you
