I've been talking to a certain someone a lot lately. It's nice to have someone who you can talk with for hours on end, feel comfortable with. The other day I was actually so engaged in talking to her on the phone and on IM, that I completely forgot to make dinner. I didn't even realise I had skipped a meal untill the next day, when I opened the fridge and saw the stuff I was supposed to have for dinner that previous day was still sitting there. I didn't even snack, either. She made a fat guy forget all about food, that's how awesome she is
. Too bad she lives so far away.
I had a contractor over last week, I expect his quote to come in any day now. Hopefully the price won't be too high. I received 2 other quotes the past few months, and they were well beyond my budget, so a lot is riding on this one. Because depending on this quote, I'm either going to hire a contractor, or do (most of) the work myself, with some help of an electrican friend. It's just crazy to get quotes for 40,000 ($ 55,000), for an extension that's only about 5-6 foot by 18 foot, 1 floor. I know I can do a lot myself, like plumbing , carpentry and some of the electric work, so I can save a lot of money that way. But the draw-back is that it would take up a lot of my vacation time.
Either way, I'm not going to be able to make a visit to the United States this year, so that sucks a little. I have a few very close friends that live on the other side of the big pond, and I'd love to see them all again.
However, the aforementioned certain someone is planning a trip to Europe this summer and she might come visit for a couple of days. That's like the next best thing to flying to the US, as I get to see at least one of my friends. Hopefully the house will be done by then, so she doesn't have to stay in a big mess
Work is still kinda stressy, and it's draining a lot out of me. So I've been keeping to myself a lot lately. I just don't feel like talking that much when I'm stressed or depressed. I do try and keep up with the people I care about most, but I must admit that I haven't been really consistent in that department. So if I have disappeared off the radar, please don't take it personally.
Apart from work and the house, what's on my mind most is probably the fact that I'm turning 30 in just 2 months. I just don't feel like I have accomplished as much as I wanted, or should have accomplished by now. I still have roughly the same job as I did 5 or 6 years ago, when I just got out of school. I still haven't finished getting my degree. And more importantly, I still have yet to have any serious long-term relationship. Aside from the fact that I'm lonely sometimes, I do wonder if I'll ever find that special someone. I don't know. I feel that the older I get, the lower the chance of finding someone to settle down with. Whether or not that thought is rational, I do worry about it. Maybe I should just stop over-analysing everything, and let things happen, if and when they happen.
I'm well aware I'm not the greatest catch out there, but supposedly there's someone for everyone, so why not for me. Oh well. Enough psycho-crap for now. I don't know why I can't not think about stuff like that.
On another note: Kodak rocks. I bought a new camera not too long ago, but it needs an adapter/converter-thingy to fit on to my old (/ancient) photo printer, since the connectors are different. I knew that already before I bought the camera, and had looked up websites that sold said adapters. They retailed at about 25 euros/35 euros, which was definitly less than buying a new photo printer. But to my horror, I found out that the adapter got discontinued soon after I bought my camera. So I contacted Kodak to see if they knew a place that still sold them. To my (pleasant) surprise, they replied by offering to send me the needed adapter completely free of charge. Now that's service.

I had a contractor over last week, I expect his quote to come in any day now. Hopefully the price won't be too high. I received 2 other quotes the past few months, and they were well beyond my budget, so a lot is riding on this one. Because depending on this quote, I'm either going to hire a contractor, or do (most of) the work myself, with some help of an electrican friend. It's just crazy to get quotes for 40,000 ($ 55,000), for an extension that's only about 5-6 foot by 18 foot, 1 floor. I know I can do a lot myself, like plumbing , carpentry and some of the electric work, so I can save a lot of money that way. But the draw-back is that it would take up a lot of my vacation time.
Either way, I'm not going to be able to make a visit to the United States this year, so that sucks a little. I have a few very close friends that live on the other side of the big pond, and I'd love to see them all again.
However, the aforementioned certain someone is planning a trip to Europe this summer and she might come visit for a couple of days. That's like the next best thing to flying to the US, as I get to see at least one of my friends. Hopefully the house will be done by then, so she doesn't have to stay in a big mess

Work is still kinda stressy, and it's draining a lot out of me. So I've been keeping to myself a lot lately. I just don't feel like talking that much when I'm stressed or depressed. I do try and keep up with the people I care about most, but I must admit that I haven't been really consistent in that department. So if I have disappeared off the radar, please don't take it personally.
Apart from work and the house, what's on my mind most is probably the fact that I'm turning 30 in just 2 months. I just don't feel like I have accomplished as much as I wanted, or should have accomplished by now. I still have roughly the same job as I did 5 or 6 years ago, when I just got out of school. I still haven't finished getting my degree. And more importantly, I still have yet to have any serious long-term relationship. Aside from the fact that I'm lonely sometimes, I do wonder if I'll ever find that special someone. I don't know. I feel that the older I get, the lower the chance of finding someone to settle down with. Whether or not that thought is rational, I do worry about it. Maybe I should just stop over-analysing everything, and let things happen, if and when they happen.
I'm well aware I'm not the greatest catch out there, but supposedly there's someone for everyone, so why not for me. Oh well. Enough psycho-crap for now. I don't know why I can't not think about stuff like that.
On another note: Kodak rocks. I bought a new camera not too long ago, but it needs an adapter/converter-thingy to fit on to my old (/ancient) photo printer, since the connectors are different. I knew that already before I bought the camera, and had looked up websites that sold said adapters. They retailed at about 25 euros/35 euros, which was definitly less than buying a new photo printer. But to my horror, I found out that the adapter got discontinued soon after I bought my camera. So I contacted Kodak to see if they knew a place that still sold them. To my (pleasant) surprise, they replied by offering to send me the needed adapter completely free of charge. Now that's service.
just to let you know, my membership is due to expire so wanted to warn you that i won't be on sg anymore...i'll miss it, but it's a luxury we can't afford right now. *hugs* see you on messenger, when we're actually on at the same time. i'll miss ya!