First snow of the season came down this weekend. When I got up Saturday morning, the streets were covered in white, but that proved to be leftovers from a heavy hail storm during the night. But sure enough, it started snowing later on in the day, and it snowed pretty much all day Sunday. Maybe we'll have a white Christmas this year? It usually doesn't snow here till January, so it's been a couple of years since it last snowed on Christmas. I like snow
. Well, as long as I don't have to bike through it anyway
I really can't wait till Christmas. This weekend I bought some new table linnen, and when I get paid on Friday I'm going to get some extra plates and decorating stuff. I just need to start putting together a menu, or at least decide on the number of courses, so that I know how many plates and serving dishes I'll be needing.
I'll be putting my tree up the weekend after next, right after Sinterklaas,both at home and the little tree at work. I'll have to figure out where to put it though. I have a spot in mind, but I'm not totally sure if it's big enough. We'll see
. We'll also have to see how Tara does with a tree full of shiny goodies inviting the little monster to play with them. I still haven't found the evil eye ornament (or it's fragments) her predecessor knocked out of the tree last year by the way
Another reason that I can't wait till Christmas, is a certain present. Similair to the motion sensing controller on the Wii, a company developed a couple of motion sensing devices for the good ol' Playstation 2. There's a wireless pool cue for a game of virtual pool, a golf club, a tennis racket, a bowling ball (!). But what really got my attention, was a puzzle game. Do you remember those little games from when you were a kid, where you had to tilt the case left to right, front to back, to guide a ball through a maze, avoiding the traps? This game kinda follows the same principle: on the screen there's a 3D maze-like course, and you have to guide a ball through it with an orb-shaped controller. Tilting the controller left or right makes the ball turn in that direction, and so on. The more vigourous you tilt the orb controller, the sharper the turn. I loved those games when I was a kid, so when I saw it I wanted to buy it. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of shopping with my mom
. So when she saw I liked it, she bought it as a Christmas present. Now instead of buying it myself, I have to wait till Christmas to play it! I wanna try that game so bad. It's even in my house, waiting to be put under the tree with the rest of everyone's gifts, making it very, very hard for me not to rip open the wrapping paper! It was only 15 dollars, but once I can finally play it, I'll be so happy. I don't even care if I get any other presents any more. I'm such a retard
That's it for now I guess. I had a couple of other things I wanted to write about, but I can't remember what it was. So I'll save that for the next blog. Oh, and don't forget to send me your address, so I can send you a Christmas card!
Love you all

I really can't wait till Christmas. This weekend I bought some new table linnen, and when I get paid on Friday I'm going to get some extra plates and decorating stuff. I just need to start putting together a menu, or at least decide on the number of courses, so that I know how many plates and serving dishes I'll be needing.
I'll be putting my tree up the weekend after next, right after Sinterklaas,both at home and the little tree at work. I'll have to figure out where to put it though. I have a spot in mind, but I'm not totally sure if it's big enough. We'll see

Another reason that I can't wait till Christmas, is a certain present. Similair to the motion sensing controller on the Wii, a company developed a couple of motion sensing devices for the good ol' Playstation 2. There's a wireless pool cue for a game of virtual pool, a golf club, a tennis racket, a bowling ball (!). But what really got my attention, was a puzzle game. Do you remember those little games from when you were a kid, where you had to tilt the case left to right, front to back, to guide a ball through a maze, avoiding the traps? This game kinda follows the same principle: on the screen there's a 3D maze-like course, and you have to guide a ball through it with an orb-shaped controller. Tilting the controller left or right makes the ball turn in that direction, and so on. The more vigourous you tilt the orb controller, the sharper the turn. I loved those games when I was a kid, so when I saw it I wanted to buy it. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of shopping with my mom

That's it for now I guess. I had a couple of other things I wanted to write about, but I can't remember what it was. So I'll save that for the next blog. Oh, and don't forget to send me your address, so I can send you a Christmas card!
Love you all

I also cant wait for xmas, another 4 day weekend!!
Sorry this is short, I just woke up from a short nap.
Did I promise you a video or a photo set?