Not much going on this week, just busy with work. I decided to increase my medication last week, since I started to slip back into depression a little. I hope increasing my meds will turn that around.
Tara is doing well . I took her to get her second shot the other day, now she's all set till next year (when I'll also have her "fixed"). The little monster is growing steadily. She weighed a little over a pound when I took her for her first appointment, and when they weighed her Thursday she was already at 2.2 lbs. The little tike didn't feel like going to the vet by the way. Usually I don't have any problem catching her, but Thursday she was just a big pain in the ass, and kept hiding and running. She's small enough to fit under my couch and under the kitchen cabinets, while I obviously can not, being a tall fatty and all. And both the couch and the cabinets have at least 2 exits slash escape routes. So when I'd crawl on the floor and stretch as far as I could, she'd just exit the other way. Smart kittie
. But also very annoying when you're late
. I ended up having to call my brother, so we could box her in, and me and Tara ended up being 15 minutes late for our appointment, and they were already cleaning up and getting ready to close. Fortunately they still helped us.
I got a new camera (and huge-ass wide angle lens) the other day, and I'm itching to try it out. So the first weekend the weather's nice (it's raining this weekend), I'm planning on going down to Amsterdam to shoot some pictures of the historic city center. It's such a beautiful city.
That's it for now, I think. There's not much exciting going on right now, so I don't have much to blog about.
Love you all .