Putting my head back into work.
I suppose it's as good a place as
any to get lost for a while.
Dealing with anything outside those
doors is becoming too much and I've
been there before only to come out
worse for wear.
I hate crawling back out of this fucking
hole again and again.
I suppose it's as good a place as
any to get lost for a while.
Dealing with anything outside those
doors is becoming too much and I've
been there before only to come out
worse for wear.
I hate crawling back out of this fucking
hole again and again.

I love who you are and I don't want you to go away; especially not through withdrawal. Of course you will seek some solitude and distraction for some time - whatever it takes. But please, do not hide for too long. I know this is a selfish request, but I'm making it nonetheless
I like peeing in the shower PERIOD. weather someone else is in there with me, if it's someone elses shower, or even a public shower...