I got the mother fuckin' store to finally
bonus so I have a little extra money in
my pocket this weekend.
Monday I start my Mead and once that
is all settled in and fermenting I get my
band saw and start that 56' les paul I've
been sitting on for 2 years.
Rat bastards want to talk to me wednesday
about giving me a store. They're like the
mob in green aprons, every time I try to get
out they drag me back in
bonus so I have a little extra money in
my pocket this weekend.
Monday I start my Mead and once that
is all settled in and fermenting I get my
band saw and start that 56' les paul I've
been sitting on for 2 years.
Rat bastards want to talk to me wednesday
about giving me a store. They're like the
mob in green aprons, every time I try to get
out they drag me back in

I love that little white stick. My problem was it only comes with one of those and I couldn't help but eat it before I finished all the powder.
I suppose I was better off. Who needs all that sugar?
and, that manuever should totally be called that from now on. "The Fun Dip"