Sometimes I think things are
going well and then it seems I'm
unable to do a goddamned thing right.
It's something I do to myself when I
get involved with people.
One extreme or the other without any
balance which is friggin' ridiculous because
all I want is some fucking peace of mind.
It's been so long since I've been in a fight
going well and then it seems I'm
unable to do a goddamned thing right.
It's something I do to myself when I
get involved with people.
One extreme or the other without any
balance which is friggin' ridiculous because
all I want is some fucking peace of mind.
It's been so long since I've been in a fight

hey. i'm cruisin for a bruisin. i feel the need to go bloody something with my knuckles. let's get crowbars & ski masks & go pick a fight somewhere.

is this the "new way"???