When in Rome:
A is for age: 26
B is for booze: Guinness or good Irish Creme
C is for carreer: Assistant mgr. starbux
D is for Dad's name: Daniel
E is for essential items to bring to party: Drinks and women
F is for favorite song at the moment: Dave Mathews - Stay
G is for girlfriend: not at the moment
H is for Hometown: Lansdale/Doylestown/Quakertown
I is for instruments I play: Own a few, play none
J is for jam or jelly: Jam, strawberry
K is for Kids: Eventually, two of me would rule
L is for living arrangements: apartment with cat and beer, foosball and novels by drunks
M is for mom's name: Sharon
N is for name of friend: Jeremy
O is for overnight hospital stays: Car crash #2
P is for Phobias: personal rage
Q is for quotes you like: "Nice shirt, do they make them for men?"
R is for longest Relationship: 4 years
S is for sexual position: My head between your legs
T is for time you wake up: Crack of Noon
U is for unique traits and features: Scar across my head from stopping a ladder from falling on my sisters when I was 3. Some kind of pale birthmark on the tip of my...
V is for vegetable you love: sweet potatoes
W is for worst trait/feature: sense of direction and my outlook on the world
X is for x-rays you've had: a few
Y is for yummy food I can make: Cheese cake regularly and Thankgiving dinner
Z is for zodiac sign: Sagitaruis, the most philosophical of all the signs... so Morrison says
A is for age: 26
B is for booze: Guinness or good Irish Creme
C is for carreer: Assistant mgr. starbux
D is for Dad's name: Daniel
E is for essential items to bring to party: Drinks and women
F is for favorite song at the moment: Dave Mathews - Stay
G is for girlfriend: not at the moment
H is for Hometown: Lansdale/Doylestown/Quakertown
I is for instruments I play: Own a few, play none
J is for jam or jelly: Jam, strawberry
K is for Kids: Eventually, two of me would rule
L is for living arrangements: apartment with cat and beer, foosball and novels by drunks
M is for mom's name: Sharon
N is for name of friend: Jeremy
O is for overnight hospital stays: Car crash #2
P is for Phobias: personal rage
Q is for quotes you like: "Nice shirt, do they make them for men?"
R is for longest Relationship: 4 years
S is for sexual position: My head between your legs
T is for time you wake up: Crack of Noon
U is for unique traits and features: Scar across my head from stopping a ladder from falling on my sisters when I was 3. Some kind of pale birthmark on the tip of my...
V is for vegetable you love: sweet potatoes
W is for worst trait/feature: sense of direction and my outlook on the world
X is for x-rays you've had: a few
Y is for yummy food I can make: Cheese cake regularly and Thankgiving dinner
Z is for zodiac sign: Sagitaruis, the most philosophical of all the signs... so Morrison says

Mayhaps I'll make create a system just to faciliate this...