Cold white flakes from hell I curse you. I thought the Devil was on my side this year but alas. Got to work at 12 and
left at 245, corporations suck when it comes to making good decisions. With any luck I'll get to meet more Sgs' in a few weeks but ya never know. When I plan ahead bad things happen and all plans fail. I wanted to be on the A team when I grew up but my ability to make a plan come together fails and I wind up in a bottle
left at 245, corporations suck when it comes to making good decisions. With any luck I'll get to meet more Sgs' in a few weeks but ya never know. When I plan ahead bad things happen and all plans fail. I wanted to be on the A team when I grew up but my ability to make a plan come together fails and I wind up in a bottle

30th birthday weekend
5th party at Mle's pad
12th getting tattooed from 1-5 or so
19th wedding in Pittsburgh
busy bbbbbbbbbb