My back tattoo looks acceptable now and I made another appointment on july 14th to have the other side of my chest done with the koi, both will go over my shoulder and into a fawkin' huge oni mask I'm having drawn up to go under my back piece. This, of cource, will keep me from the public hot spings next year when I go to japan because it seems only Yakuza have this much of this type of work done over there.
Very close to buying an old mustang, If the 69 I'm gonna look at is in ok condition I've got me a project
Very close to buying an old mustang, If the 69 I'm gonna look at is in ok condition I've got me a project

tomorrow I will fish and go about may day bored with everything and waiting for cat has far too much energy for this time of day, perhaps putting her on the fat cat food has increased her metabolism. my walls are very white and my apartment is too empty for me to be happy. I need someone to take a nap with