some people never fail to dissapoint, or worse, live up to expectations...
I wonder what time the bell goes off for it not to be play time anymore....this site seems to be full of bloody kids, I thought I'd stayed clear of them as well....
but I am kind of regretting putting that, cos its kind of making me feel like one of them.....hmmm....qunadries suck....
On the plus side, somethings are going well, things with Me and Eleanor are going well, she's going for a new job at work (we work together) and is a bit stressed bless her, but apparently I am helping...not sure how, but hey, I'll go with the flow... It is weird, cos she really isn't my type, or mine hers, but the important stuff seems to click (mostly sense of humour and beliefs about the world...i.e. your either a prick or your not a race/sex/ageism differentials)....and altghough I didn't really want to end up in a relationship so quickly, I couldn't stop myself doing something that was making me happy...
I think I met Your Mother is making me all mushy...but you know...Alsyon Hannigan...

mmm...which links to....mmm Buffy....

and I know this is know
still make me smile....
There is a Baking competition on Firday at work, well ,yuo have to take stuff in, sweet or savoury...I am kind of stum,ped, one guy is making brownies, and I know they are good, and I don't like him, he is a fucking vegetarian!! and he drinks herbal teas (i don't mind girls drinking them!!)
So I am thinking erither my meatballs...which have been specially requested...and possibly some sort of praline type chocolate treats....or kirsch soaked cherry things....mmm...I will cause a fucking stir i tell ya's!!!
anyway...I will stop boring you all..... heres some lovely looking gay porn...
Peace out Ya'll....
I wish I was judging that.
Wish we had baking competitions at my place. Errrr no fella stick to manly sword fighting what next you cross dressing at work???