wow...I am finding it really hard to get back into this whole blogging thing....
finding this quite sweet at the minute....
damn...I must be getting
well, an iold freind sent me a message on facebook, saying he needs to get his effects together before leaving forever....really thoguht he'd topped himself...but no, bit of internet stalking find out he's moving to florida, wanker.... haven't replied to him, almost tempted to say, hey send me a cheque for the 500 you owe me first....but really don't want to talk to him....
The Big bang Theory has just come on to virgin central, so been catching up with that, bizarrely funny, if a little patronising to geeks....
Saw Kung Fu Panda last night, was actually quite fubnny, the very start is awesome, knid of smaurai jack like...but they didn't stick with that style obviously, the bad guy is pretty awesome though, and actually like an old kung fu movie, but with funny animals....and Jack Black...
well...kind of running out of things to say...
would someone please buy me this t-shirt....
here you go, my favourite song to play on Rock band so far...
finding this quite sweet at the minute....
damn...I must be getting
well, an iold freind sent me a message on facebook, saying he needs to get his effects together before leaving forever....really thoguht he'd topped himself...but no, bit of internet stalking find out he's moving to florida, wanker.... haven't replied to him, almost tempted to say, hey send me a cheque for the 500 you owe me first....but really don't want to talk to him....
The Big bang Theory has just come on to virgin central, so been catching up with that, bizarrely funny, if a little patronising to geeks....
Saw Kung Fu Panda last night, was actually quite fubnny, the very start is awesome, knid of smaurai jack like...but they didn't stick with that style obviously, the bad guy is pretty awesome though, and actually like an old kung fu movie, but with funny animals....and Jack Black...
well...kind of running out of things to say...
would someone please buy me this t-shirt....

here you go, my favourite song to play on Rock band so far...
all types of pie are good, except possibly rhubarb.
and thank you for the tip about shoes!