well....by the stars and god alligning, somehow I have managed to get back on the internet, in my new flat, with my old computer, and on SG again!!
so...whats new......nothing really
see ya.........
oh, ok.....
well, good things,
The girl.... we shall call her Eleanor, that being her name and all!! been seeing each other for a short while,. and so far going well, enjoying each others company, she makes me piss my self with laughter... and she fell for the best line ever...Fancy a kebab? or do you just want to snog?
the old steveie charm is back in action.... no pics as of yet, but she ios a cute indie girl, who likes men in check3ed shirts, with beards, geeky glassesm, and all around geek appeal....so yeah, I am like the Jon Travolta to her Olivia Newton John...
Mega Lucha night of doom...see Bashter's blog...he has much better pictures!!
The old girl, me and caz are getting on great as freinds, we seem to be able to still have a laugh and be close without any weird stuff (speaking for myself of course)
Work is going alright
New flat is cool, still need to unpack, bnut have discovered Virgin Central, which is like having DVD box sets on demand....
Bad Stuff
well, freinds being miserable, only being able to see someone you cared for in the worse possible light, and not knowing how to stop....
losing my lucha mask after being rushed out a kebab shop
but on the birght side, the birth of a new character to happen soon.....
well....bnot that much bad stuff really, its just really bad...
but hey ho, that is not the deadman way, and normal service will be resumed from here on out....
so...whats new......nothing really
see ya.........
oh, ok.....
well, good things,
The girl.... we shall call her Eleanor, that being her name and all!! been seeing each other for a short while,. and so far going well, enjoying each others company, she makes me piss my self with laughter... and she fell for the best line ever...Fancy a kebab? or do you just want to snog?

Mega Lucha night of doom...see Bashter's blog...he has much better pictures!!
The old girl, me and caz are getting on great as freinds, we seem to be able to still have a laugh and be close without any weird stuff (speaking for myself of course)
Work is going alright
New flat is cool, still need to unpack, bnut have discovered Virgin Central, which is like having DVD box sets on demand....
Bad Stuff
well, freinds being miserable, only being able to see someone you cared for in the worse possible light, and not knowing how to stop....
losing my lucha mask after being rushed out a kebab shop

but on the birght side, the birth of a new character to happen soon.....
well....bnot that much bad stuff really, its just really bad...
but hey ho, that is not the deadman way, and normal service will be resumed from here on out....

we need drinks!