They just don't make em like they used to...films and bless Russ Meyer

This is gonna be a super hero style appreciation blog.... but not your usual caped hero types (well...maybe)
Mostly inspired by the legend that is Ric Flair retiring from Professional Wrestling, a sad sad day, but also, possibly the best moments in wrestling of the last few years, his match at wrestlemanina was awesome, done properly!!! big cheer on way out....followesd by Monday Night Rawas 'Farewell Address' everyone dropping character, everyone coming out to give him the thank you and send off he deserves!! its good to see a wrestler celebrated for retiring after 36years, rather than only when they die horribly!! And about the first time in a few years I have come close to

and now on to the greatest wrestler of all SG land, and probably the world, a new force to be reckoned with...yes....of course.... Cardinal Sinn!!!

Who now has not only a mask and chraisma, now has himself a Cloak of Doom, an action figure,, a russian mistress, and my girlfreinds tits for a whole 96.27...enough change from a hundfred green queens for some baby oil!!!
also, I would like to congratulate Geoff... AesirR, for one, giving me tips and advice on how to become a viking warrior of all conquering doom!! (sorry, helped me get past a tough bit on a,. but secondly, most of all, for knowing how to repay a finding a willing opponent for Steve's Birthday Wrestlefest 2008... TheMistress...i am not sure if she knows she has been volunteered but....
purplesiamese vs TheMistress = Happy Steve, Mark, Alex and Geoff....
i shall update on venue/rules/costumes/wrestling ring (custard/chocolate milkshake/baby oil...)
anywya, I don;'t have a lot to say really, we have cleaned up, most of the flat, now to keep it clean for a whole week!!!
have only a week abnd 3 days left in my current job, its really really really hard to care, especially when your manager fucks up your leaving dates and holuidays. and HR send a letter saying they will be taking 600 back before you get paid, rtaher than the 100 or so it should be!! she's a fucking gimp!!!
I don't know what else to celebrate, other than my other new hero, purely on style, eloquence, intelligence, and aweosme beard/hat/suit/trainers combo's....
here is to a good week for all!!!
Thanks for the well wishes on mt fangs. I mean teeth.