Avengened Sevenfold Rocked, like seriously rocked, caroline seemed to love it
I wasn't as blown away as I was hoping, and they did the best they could on rock cities piddly little stage, i think a band that extravagant and axe widdly should be put on a bigger stage, and given some Iron Maiden style showmanship....but for a paired down, big amps and some shitty old lights type of affair they were fucking awesome!!
A good support band, after the shoddy debacle odf whoever were suypporting first, they seemed to ashamed to give out their name.... anyway...bloodsimple, New York style hardcore/metalcore/grindcore/applecore.... is their Myspace Blood Simple, i personally like blood in blood out...
More good....don't worry the funny bad stuff isn't far away....
Carolines septum is looking hotter and hotter the more I get used to it, and last night she was showing it off with her new underwear that looked very lovely!!!
and finally for the good....
I cleared the fucking Ironing Pile!!!! (if you have ever been to our flat, you know just how bad it was, seriously, it was taller than caroline, i know she is a short arse, but thats still a fuck load or ironing!!!)
The Bad
The first support group at gigs....whenever a biggish band has more than one carefully selected support band, there is always the one at the start no ones heard of....and there is normally a good reason why...they are always Shit!!!! is this some weird karma/rule of the universe type thing?...i dunno....but you know who you are....I am all for supporting local bands and stuff, but you know, not when your
still a major gripe 14+ gigs.....when did they start letting kidfs in...why oh why....when I was 14 I had to make myself look older, and go through the fear of whether I had wasted my money on a ticket....damn them!!! but nowadays your allowed in....there was even a room down stairs open just for parents to sit and have a drink in!!!! FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!! one of them had a copy of the daily mail doing the bloody crossword!!!! ITS NOT A FUCKING TAKE THAT CONCERT!!!!! grr!!!
the other downsie....I can no longer look at girls at gigs without a pang of guilt and fear of prison/hell!!! its so hard to tell anymore!!! however....
god the crowd was weird, bar from caroline, a few other girls and a couple of barmaids, it was a very weird and ugly looking was however fun playing thwe Boy or Girl in, is that 16yr Old emo boy, or a 50yr old mum on jeremy kyle...they have the same hair!!!! like this guy...
see he has the hair of either a young emo boy, or a trashy mum on Jeremy Kyle (like jerry spinger, but more objectionable)....anyway...wjhy I am on the subject, his drumming is ugly...technically sound, but soulless and dead inside...take the headphones off, and play to the music/band not a fucking metronome, and you can move your arms when you drum, you can get a little loose and do some serious rocking, rather, than some weird restrained beatles style drumming, rather than getting all keith moon over your kit!!!
la....sorry, I am panging to get back on my drum you should drum like this....
damn him, I just realised he is wearing headphones, but least you can see him moving...
A great night, and if your off to see them, you will love it!!! (buit you can afford to miss the first band, and look at the guitarist andd and I am sure you will get a better looking crowd....cos nottingham is pretty ugly on the
anyway, off to do some more ironing, post some shit, and buy some weights!!!
Hope you all have a good weekend!!
that said, i can get free cheese burgers from mcdonalds, so perhaps that would be a better bet after all...
if you wanna get free cheese burgers, all you need is a valid NUS card (dead easy to get hold of). if you flash one of those at the till, you get a free cheese burger with every value meal purchased. just find randoms in the queue who are buying value meals and ask if you can order with them to claim the free burger! it's how i survived through university without starving!
oh...and a FANTASTIC way of getting free food at the drive thru...